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zur weltweiten Sozialforum-Bewegung



Anmeldung beim WSF 2009

Wichtige Hinweise des internationalen WSF-Sekretariats in englischer Sprache


    1) Last call for WSF 2009 activities registration.  Deadline: November 21st
    2) Individual registration for WSF 2009
    3) Family and alternative accommodation for the WSF 2009

1) Last call for WSF 2009 activities registration.  Deadline: November 21st

Organizations willing to propose activities for the WSF 2009 have some more days to register. Deadline for activities registration has been postponed until next Friday, November 21st (11:00pm, Belem time / 8:00pm GMT/UTC). Organizations that will send participants to the WSF, but do not want to propose activities can register until December 2008. 

Payment for organizations registered in Brasil has already started and should be made until November 30th. Soon the international payment system will be open.

According to the Charter of Principles of the WSF, political parties and government agencies can not participate as organizations, and neither register an activity.

The 2009 World Social Forum will take place in the city of Belem (Capital of Para State – Brazil) from January 27th to February 1st

Visit the registration website: http://inscricoes.fsm2009amazonia.org.br

Registration guide: http://www.fsm2009amazonia.org.br/forum-social-mundial/frequently-asked-questions/about-registrations/

IMPORTANT: A list of registered activities until last friday (November 14th) is available for download in  http://www.fsm2009amazonia.org.br/forum-social-mundial/inscricoes/atividades/lista-de-atividades-ate-1411/view . The file is sorted in alphabetical order by organizations names.

You can also view the list of registered activities in the registration website - http://inscricoes.fsm2009amazonia.org.br/content/index.php?page=consulta_pub . In this page you can browse all the registered activities and organizations and also search for keywords or action goal. This list is updated automatically as new activities are being registered. 

If your activity doesn't appear in any of the lists cited above, it means that your activity registration was not made or concluded properly. Check as soon as possible if your activity was registered, as the registration period won't be extended again.

2) Individual registration for WSF 2009

Registration of individuals that want to attend to the World Social Forum 2009 in Belem are already open and can be made in http://inscricoes.fsm2009amazonia.org.br .
After filling the registration form, individuals from Brasil should print the bank payment form in order to complete the registration.
Participants registering outside Brazil should keep their registration number and password that will be sent via email after the registration. The payment can be done further, when the international payment system is opened.

Registration fees for individuals:
Individuals registered from Brazil: R$30,00
Individuals from Geopolitical North: 60€ (euros)
individuals from other countries: 15€ (euros)

To register as individual:
- Visit the WSF 2009 registration site: http://inscricoes.fsm2009amazonia.org.br
- Click in Individal Participants
- Fill out the registration form and click “Save”
  Attention: in the email field, insert only one email address
- After saving the form, you can print out the bank payment form (only for payments from Brasil)

IMPORTANT: Remember to keep the payment proof and bring it along with your registration number and ID to the WSF event

3) Family and alternative accommodation for the WSF 2009

The Faciltitation Group of WSF 2009 could raise about 30 thousand vacancies for WSF participants in  alternative and family accommodation. Family accommodation has 6 thousand vacancies. The remaining vacancies are in shared spaces as schools, gyms, clubs, lodging, religious entities and even in “hostel boats”.

Prices vary for each modality. Family accommodation will cost from R7,00 to R$38,50. Other modalities prices should be arranged by counterparts.

Family accommodation:
Requests of family accomodation can be made by phone: +55 (91) 3236-0751/ +55 (91) 3228-4734, or in the address: http://www.fsm2009amazonia.org.br/forum-social-mundial/donations/family-accommodation/

Alternative accommodation
Visit http://www.fsm2009amazonia.org.br/forum-social-mundial/donations/alternative-accommodation/ - to request vacancies and have more information, including a list of agencies that offers vacancies on boats and campings.

For more information: acomodacao(at)fsm2009amazonia.org.br


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