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Zeitplan zur Diskussion der Vorschläge der Strategie-Kommission des Internationalen Rates des WSF

Email von von Rodrigo Nobile (Mitarbeiter der NRO Clacso) an die Mitglieder des Internationalen Rates des WSF vom 09.01.2008 (in englischer Sprache - Roh-Übersetzung ins Deutsche am Text-Ende)

Dear friends of the International Council:

Through this email, we are requesting again your crucial contribution to the preparation of the strategy debate, that will be carried out during the next
IC meeting. Our next meeting will take place soon and we do not have too much time to accomplish the aims that we have established to ourselves.

The aim of this debate is to make a political-strategic evaluation of the WSF process and the antiglobalisation movement as well as a wide analysis of the
international context in order to discuss the potentialities and challenges that we will be facing on the next years in the struggle to build another
possible and necessary world.

Attached, we are sending the summary of the debate carried out during the last meeting of the Strategy Commission and a draft of a text guide prepared to
facilitate the debate, including suggestions on the format of the answers. Strategy Commission's proposal is that IC members react to this text guide and
send their comments up to February 18.

After, we will also be sending as well this call the WSF lists which include people who participate at the process but are not part of the IC. In this
ways, it is important that each one of your forward this message to the organizations that you know and are not taking part of the IC.

In order to allow the dialogue and that everybody be capable of following the debates, we will make available on the WSF website all the contributions sent
to this list and to the email: rodrigo@clacso.edu.ar. We will assure hiperlinks among contributions sent in reply to some previous message or
quoting other texts. We will as well try to translate the contributions to English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Those who want to take part of this
work in the Strategy Commission or want to clarify any doubt, please, get in touch through that email.

Besides this contribution, Strategy Commission will be in charge of preparing a short document systematizing the main issues raised on the debate. This
document is intended to be sent to the IC in March, some days before the IC meeting in Nigeria.

Warm hugs and looking forward to receive your contribution!

Rodrigo Nobile - Clacso
From the Strategy Commission

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